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Frédéric Cournil-Jones
Phone : +33 624 700 877
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IT Manager
10 years experience in project management
6 years experience in IT Management
More than 10 years experience in IT Management and over 15 years experience in project management. Enjoy working with people, process and problem-solving while discovering and improving new technical skills. Solid communicator with team-building skills. Strong problem-solver who can assist stakeholders, project managers, developers and sysadmin with issues. Dedicated, self-motivated achiever who is committed to success and adept at juggling multiple tasks in a high-pressure environment. Passionate about technology and innovation in IT and Management.
Successful management of 20+ people in various domains (Business Intelligence, ecommerce, store, Point of Sales, HRIS, Financial) with different profiles (project managers, architects, experts, developers, SysAdmin)
Successful management of an annual project portfolio with a budget of 2,5 M euros
Successful management of a 12 month project on the payroll system, going Live 2 months early
IT Manager - Online banking, Credit Agricole Technologies & Services, Gradignan, FRANCE (2016 - today)
Management of a 30+ people team of project managers, experts, and developers. Managed projects and third-party maintenance application on the online banking website of credit agricole Contribute on the digital transformation by working on the organisation transformation and agility strategy
IT Manager - Front Office, CULTURA, Merignac, FRANCE (2014 - 2016)
Management of a 10+ people team of project managers, architect, experts, and developers. Identifying projects with the different Directors of the company Write the roadmap orientation: Web, Digital retail, Point of sales and Payment, Store to Web and Web to store, Business Intelligence Coordinate and synchronize project managers and stakeholders on priorities, challenges and objectives. Under the CIO I report the progress of strategic projects to the executive committee. With the technical architect I contribute to the DevOps transformation by helping him introduce DevOps tools in our usage with continuous integrations pipelines based on Jenkins, Maven, Ansible, Vagrant, and Docker.
IT Manager - HR and Financial, CULTURA , Merignac , FRANCE (2012 - 2014)
Management of 2 project managers on HRIS and Financial projects. Identifying, applying and coordinating the roadmap with the stakeholders and especially the CHO and the CFO
IT Project Manager - HR and Financial, CULTURA , Merignac , FRANCE (2008 - 2012)
Assisted the payroll team within organizing the maintenances of the payroll system Managed project on legal changes on payroll system Succeeded in organizing the maintenance of the payroll system by optimizing our development capacities using external third-party maintenance applications Managed a 4 month project to implement an eLearning platform for the 3000 employers Managed a 12 month project to change the payroll managing system from HRACESS to SAGE X3 HRM
IT Project Manager, UNILOG, Mérignac, FRANCE (2007-2008)
Managed third-party maintenance application within a team of 5 people: senior and junior developers Managed projects on HRIS implementation around HRACCESS
IT Analyst, UNILOG, Mérignac, FRANCE (2004 - 2007)
Java development based on STRUTS Framework VBA development for Excel and Access
Big Data and Data science:2016
Business Intelligence: State of the art 2014
PMI PMP: 2013
Prince2 foundation certified: 2012
Influence Skills: 2010
Spoken languages: French (mother tongue), English - TOEIC (2004)
Master of Science: Engineer's degree in telecommunications and networks
ENSIL (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieur de Limoges) 2004
Project Methodologies: PMI PMP, Prince 2, WBS, SOW, DevOps
Software: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, HRACESS, SAGE HRM, SAGE X3, Microstrategy, Crystal report, Jasper report
Software Development: Eclipse, Visual Studio, SVN, GIT, SQL Server, SSIS, Oracle, MySQL
DevOps knowledge: Docker, Jenkins, Vagrant, Ansible, Maven
OS: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian)
Telecom: TCP/IP, Ethernet, Mpeg, DVB-S/DVB-RCS, QoS
Languages: C++, C, PHP, Java, Perl, Html, Javascript, Shell, VBA
INTERESTS: Tennis, Running, Webmaster, Raspberry Pi (

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